Photo Pause: Backyard Moments Edition

My body and soul keep telling me that Slow is the way to go right now, so that's what I'm doing.

I'll be honest, I didn't expect this slow pace to continue for so long and it's not always easy. I am practicing patience and surrender on a regular basis - not always successfully.

In the meantime though I continue to practice mindfulness through photography, noticing the beauty around me with the help of my point & shoot.

I offer you a few glimpses into my world these days with another photo pause capturing what is slowly (see how I'm embracing it?) becoming a lovely outdoor space for us.

Photo Pause: May Flowers

Words are still few & far between, silence and mindfulness soothe.

One of my favourite ways to practice mindfulness is through my camera.

Most of these were taken in my own back yard or in a nearby woods. There's no need to go far to find beauty, the only requirement is to allow ourselves time to notice.