Camera Play @ Westboro Beach - SNOW Edition

Oh what a difference a week makes!

Just last week I offered you snapshots from a romp on the beach under the sun. Today I brought my point & shoot to the same beach, but under entirely different circumstances...

Note: Unless specified, the photos were lightened using photo editing software; they were very dark straight out of the camera (sooc). Maybe next time I'll practice using my manual settings.

a perfectly timed beetle drive-by on my way to the beach

same beach, different look

rusty blue bike rack (this one was straight out of the camera)

Have snow, build snowperson!

I was obsessed with a weathered cement wall.

I was also obsessed with catching this drip at just the right time, but alas, couldn't do so before my camera batteries died. I was ready to crouch there until my toes fell off. (This is one is cropped, but the colours haven't been touched.)

Aside from my toes going numb, I had just as much fun as I did a week before under the sun!


Where could you go play?