Solstice Reflections: Welcome

Winter came down to our home one night

Quietly pirouetting in on silvery-toed slippers of snow;

And we, we were children once again.

~ Bill Morgan, Jr.


I've always liked images of winter. They soothe me, calling me to slow down and take stock.

The expansive white landscape gives me space to breathe, a snow-laden canopy of trees offers shelter, moon diamonds on the snow fill me with magic.

December and the Winter Solstice hold a special place in my heart. They remind me to focus on the cozy, hearth and home. They draw me inward, allowing me to hunker and rest before the new year ushers me into action and renewal.

warmth in a wool blanket

It's why I've chosen to highlight the official arrival of winter in the past and why I choose to highlight it again here, now, with the help of other kindred spirits.

During the next three weeks leading up to December 22nd I will offer guest posts from seven lovely women to help welcome winter, its rituals and its transformations - each woman interpreting the subject through the medium of her choice.

I am warmed and humbled by the contributions I've seen, by the pieces of themselves these women have chosen to share with me and with you. Please join me in honouring them?

And while you're at it, my hope is that this space may offer you a momentary respite from a sometimes hectic season, allowing you to sit with your own reflections as you enter your personal winter.

A momentary space to be.

Wishing you warmth and peace,
