"Turtle turtle, where do you go?"
"Wherever I go it will be slow."
Patience is not always my forte, I like quick results. But these days I'm getting plenty of opportunity to practice not only patience but persistence, slow and steady movement toward my goals.
I want to lose 12 lbs. The first week I changed my food intake was great, I lost three pounds, that's one whole quarter of my goal! The second week? One pound. Not so impressive, but it's still a pound lost so I continue on my food journey and trust that I can do it again. One more pound is my goal. Slow and steady.
I want to incorporate exercise into my routine. I haven't exercised in years. I found a home workout that consists of a sequence of old-school exercises like jumping jacks, push-ups and burpees (thanks Tingle and Amy Gretchen!). For maximum results it's suggested that I repeat the sequence three to five times.
The first time I tried it I got through one repetition and less than half-way through a second before I surrendered and called it quits. The second time I worked out I got through the entire sequence twice. What did I change? I slowed down for the second repetition, realizing that I was more interested in completion than speed. Slow and steady got me through it.
I want to create revenue through meaningful work. I'm working on several products, potential income streams and behind-the-scenes updates to make it so. I have ambitious goals for January and I don't know if I'll meet them. What I do know is that I can persist with the next right action on each one. Slow and steady.
Sometimes sprinting, endorphins and exhilaration are necessary and the best way to get 'er done. Other times, slow and steady is the way to go. It's probably the surest strategy that'll get you to the finish line.