On Meaningful Work, Reality Gaps and Divine Timing...
a product of therapeutic camera play, a perfect antidote to gap-induced grumpiness
When it comes to my journey to meaningful and viable work, I am not where I want to be.
Let me clarify: I'm extremely excited and proud of the products and services I offer and the ones I have in the development queue as I type (seriously, LOVE them!). From a fulfillment perspective, I consider my ongoing journey to meaningful work a success.
In conjunction, my desire for meaningful work includes its ability to support me financially. I seek a certain level of comfort and lifestyle, and, in order to consider my journey to meaningful work an overall success, it needs to support that too.
My leave from my former 9-5 gig ends soon, and I must consider my options. I have bills to pay. This is my reality.
Thanks to the generosity of my former manager in offering me a one-year leave last year, I have a fairly obvious option available to me. Returning to my 9-5 job, even if for a few days a week, would ease my financial conundrum considerably. I am grateful.
I am also disappointed. The reality gap of wanting to be financially viable (or at least somewhere close) in my new work, but not being there yet, hurts. Yet, perhaps my expectations were not very realistic to begin with.
I am extremely proud of how far I've come this past year, and of the foundation I am laying every day in my journey to meaningful and financially rewarding work. Never before have I been so eager to get to work each morning. I feel blessed.
This fuels me to go on.
Despite my current reality gap, I still firmly believe that it is possible to do what you love and make a good living out of it; I have no plans of giving up on that. What I'm learning though, is that it may not be on my schedule.
In the meantime, may the journey continue...