On Going Gently

Sometimes “getting in shape” means getting off the couch and out the door three times a week to go for a walk. No distance sought, no pace tracked. Success is getting out the door, period.

Sometimes “eating healthier” means adding one serving of fruit to your day that wasn’t there before - maybe two.

Sometimes “creating more” means taking your art supplies out of storage, or sitting at your keyboard and typing whatever comes to mind for five minutes - no judgement, no editing.

Sometimes “starting a meditation practice” means taking five minutes during your day to be still, for the next five days, and seeing how that feels.

Sometimes “getting the finances in order” means logging on to look at your bank statement, or downloading the money app you’ve been meaning to download for the last three weeks – the one that has the tracking feature.

Sometimes “being more social” means giving some thought to what that would look like and coming up with one next action to move towards your vision.

Sometimes “getting through the to-do list” means taking one small specific action a day – or one a week – towards getting things done, steadfastly, instead of plowing through your list in one shot.

Sometimes our productivity pace is fast and furious, sometimes it’s slow and steady.

Sometimes we have the energy to tackle it all, sometimes going gently is where it’s at.

I am going gently these days.

How about you?