Coming Soon: (Post) Birthday List Love

Last week I celebrated my birthday. I had grand intentions of launching a "It's my birthday and I want to share oodles of good stuff!" initiative here, but I never got to it.

If you've been with me for a while you might recall Four Weeks of 40 from my 40th birthday, or its sequel, my 41st Birthweek BONANZA.

It's a thing I like to do.


My birthday might have come and gone, but my desire to share good stuff lingers on so I'm just going to live outside the box and launch my celebration now!

I hereby declare my intention to share seven posts listing lots of good stuff over the next few weeks.

Why seven posts? Because I celebrated my 43rd birthday and four + three = seven. Why lists? Because I like lists. They're a fun way for me to round up good things and spread the joy.

I'll kick it off in the new month, April 1st. Neat & tidy.

So it's decided! Starting this Friday, there will be some LIST LOVE happening right here for YOU.

I even made a graphic, which makes it official:


Stay tuned...