Collage. Found papers on mixed media paper, enhanced digitally.
Stillness. Possibility. Action.
This three-word combo has been guiding me for several years now and hasn't failed me yet.
The past several weeks have been full and hard with a lot of information coming our way from many sources. Much to sift through, much to absorb and much to process before moving forward with constructive action.
Some are able to cycle through this quickly.
I cannot.
Sometimes my brain has trouble processing large amounts of information quickly and it all becomes too much. Like having too many tabs open in a browser, there's always the one that makes the whole thing crash. On some days even two tabs is one too many.
That's when I go back to stillness.
In stillness I am able to process things, to do the work. It may not be visible to others nor even to myself, but it is taking place. I trust this.
In stillness I check in with my heart, my higher power, my conscience.
In stillness I start to hear whispers, nudges in one direction or another, what-ifs and why-nots.
These insights lead me to explore possibility and choose action that feels right and intentional instead of action that stems from a place of fear and overwhelm.
Stillness allows me to see with clear eyes and a clear heart the options that lie before me.
One day at a time, that's all I need to choose a next step forward.
Stillness, leading to possibility, leading to action that feels right and intentional.
If you feel overwhelmed and unable to take action on something, are you able to slow down a little? Pause - even if only for a moment - and see what happens.
At the very least it will allow you to catch your breath. Even the most active among us need to do this once in a while to carry on.
In spirit of discovery,