Site Updates


Cassie enjoying her new favourite napping spot behind the bedroom curtains

I made some minor updates to my new space; I thought I'd let y'all know.

RSS feed: On the left sidebar of this main page. Scroll all the way to the bottom to subscribe to either the blog and/or the comments.

New links: On the Links page under (Re)Discoveries. There are soooo many beautiful blogs to explore. I added a few new ones to the list, go check 'em out!

Books I'm reading: On the left sidebar of this main page, just before the RSS feed. Because I'm a book junkie, this section changes constantly (I've already updated it three times this week!). If a book on the list piques your curiosity I highly suggest you check it out then & there before it disappears.

I suspect there will be continuous tweaks here & there as the site evolves. I'll keep you posted (pun intended).

Till the next round...