41st Birthweek Bonanza Day 5: 10 Books About Artists, Making Art or Selling Art

Welcome to Day 5 of my 41st Birthweek Bonanza (7 days, 7 lists, 41 good things)!

I got some much needed rest and am back to continue the celebration with three more days of good stuff.

Today I share 10 books that are on my bookshelf (physical or virtual) that I've read recently, am reading now, or have flipped through and plan to sink into soon.

Whether you're interested in making art, studying it or trying to sell it, there's something here for you.


  1. Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered, by Austin Kleon
  2. Open Your Studio: Nine Steps to A Successful Art Event, by Melinda Cootsona
  3. I'd Rather Be in the Studio: The Artist's No-Excuse Guide to Self-Promotion, by Alyson B. Stanfield
  4. Children and Painting, by Cathy Weisman Topal
  5. Art In Action 2: Introducing Children to the World of Art With 24 Creative Projects Inspired by 12 Masterpieces, by Maja Pitamic (The book I link to has a slightly different title than the one I have - a Canada/US thing, perhaps?)
  6. Photo Craft: Creative Mixed Media and Digital Approaches to Transforming Your Photographs, by Susan Tuttle and Christy Hydeck
  7. The Artist's Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom, by Christine Valters Paintner
  8. Drawing and Painting People: A Fresh Approach, by Emily Ball
  9. Marc Chagall, 1887-1985: Painting As Poetry, by Ingo F. Walther and Rainer Metzger (link is to an earlier edition)
  10. Matisse, The Sensuality of Color, by Xavier Girard


Happy reading! Stay tuned for Day 6...


41st Birthweek Bonanza so far:

Day 1: 4 Art Classes of Workshops That Were Pivotal In My Artistic Journey

Day 2: 7 Websites For Lifelong Learners and Creative Types

Day 3: 6 New Recipes We Tried That Made It Into the “Keeper” File

Day 4: 5 Animated Films Worth Watching If You Like Art, Music, and Stories of Hope & Heart