Creative Inspiration

A new day, a new week and a new month - the perfect time for a bit of creative inspiration, non?

1. Jolie Guillebeau's 100 Abstracts project - She's done it before with her 100 Faces and 100 Paintings in 100 Days projects; now she's at it with abstracts. Jolie and her dedicated projects make me want to commit to painting or drawing something on a regular basis, for an extended period of time or in large quantities (like 100!). Consistent practice is the best way to learn a craft.

2. Leonie Dawson's World Biggest Summit - This woman is not afraid of dreaming and creating BIG. Her World's Biggest Summit inspires me to take risks and act on some of my ideas related to business, art, learning and community. The presentations I've listened to so far have been wonderful too, full of practical information on building and supporting a creative enterprise.

3. The Spirit of Silence - This book by John Lane is helping me counterbalance the flurry of creative activity that's become a constant in my brain, and a sense of urgency that's been creeping into my psyche at the thought of leaving work at the end of the month. The Spirit of Silence is reminding me to make space for my intuition to make itself heard and for things to unfold.

"... it is only when the restless mind has been stilled that we can truly encounter what is unfolding before us." ~ John Lane, The Spirit of Silence

4. Elaine de Kooning - Her work makes me want to explore abstract expressionism and figure painting, and study women artists.

5. Words from Ira Glass on creative work, practice and persistence - Looks like Jolie's got it right with her 100 Abstracts. Thanks to Barbara Winter (Joyfully Jobless) and Jamie Ridler (Jamie Ridler Studios) for passing on this inspirational bit of wisdom from Ira.

Ira Glass on Storytelling from David Shiyang Liu on Vimeo.