5-Day Challenge: Days 4 and 5

Et voici, my final report on this week's 5-Day Challenge. It's been a good one!

On Day 4 I continued working with the results I came up with on Day 3 below. It was a short session compared to the others, but I still did it.

results from Day 3

I painted the blocks that hadn't been painted yet (see above and to the right of the white critter?) and I added second coats of paint on most of the other blocks to make them richer.

I'm afraid that in my enthusiasm to continue working on Day 5 I forgot to take a picture of the results from Day 4 so you'll just have to take my word for it.

I spent Day 5's session polishing up. I continued with extra coats to make the colours even more solid, I added black lines where there were none and I fixed the ones that were there:

Day 5 results - close to done!, 12x12 on wood panel

When I look at it closely I see a few tiny touch-ups remaining before declaring it complete, but I'm pretty damn close and it feels good.

So on that note I declare this week's 5-Day Challenge officially complete and a success!

I showed up at the table every day, persisted to complete (or nearly) a piece, and my interest in art and art-making was re-kindled. A success indeed.

Perhaps next time you'll join me?